Friday, 4 March 2016

The Simple Things - Feeding the Ducks!

When I first planned on writing this post, I was going to start it with "Spring is on the horizon and the weather is getting better" but looking outside this past couple of days, that's only half true! Nevertheless, we did have a some good days recently so we've made the most of it and tried to have as many family days out as possible.

C has always loved feeding the ducks. We haven't taken him much with the colder weather (because the place we go is a bit of a walk away) so on our first visit of the year, I thought he'd enjoy it even more because he's a little older and I was right. This is also the first time we've been without C being in the buggy. He's a proper little nature lover so the gorgeous walk along the river really excited him. He was pointed out all the animals that he could see as well as the "big trees".

E got out to walk too - her first ever time walking outside! She was a little nervous and she fell over before I had a chance to put the harness on her but she was great. She got a little too cocky and tried to run but knew she'd be okay because I was there to stop her from falling.

We passed a docked boat on the way and C was in absolute awe when his daddy said to him, "Look, it's The Rainbow. Old Jack's boat!" (from CBeebies if you aren't familiar with the wonderful Bernard Cribbins-fronted show). The look on his face was priceless. In his eyes, it was the real deal and I honestly thought I could have cried seeing how happy and excited he was.

We finally got to the ducks and he just exploded with even more excitement. At one point I thought he was going to fall in because he kept jumping! I was a bit cautious about letting E near the water but in the end we just had Chris hold her in his arms and throw food in. She absolutely loved it and kept saying, "duckies! Quack quack!" and even waved and said, "bye!" when we were leaving. Ever since we came back from that trip, C has asked every single day if we can go back to feed them. I definitely think it will have to be a weekly trip during the Spring/Summer!


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