Monday, 22 April 2013

Catching up

Today was fab. This morning C had his first taste of 'big boy breakfast' with toast. He seems to really be enjoying the finger foods and I'm so excited for him!

My lovely friends Brendan & Lauren treated me to Nando's as a belated birthday date! You can never go wrong with Nando's. Brendan told me that he'd bought C a present. If you know Brendan like I do, you'd be worried. But he brought these out!

Aren't they cute!? I feel so lucky to have such thoughtful and lovely friends!

I love catching up with them. I used to see my friends all the time but it is totally true that your social life does change drastically once you have a child. I wouldn't change it for the world though!

C had the time of his life. He's really starting to become a proper little boy (if that makes sense) and wanting to explore everything. I love it.

1 comment on "Catching up"
  1. I think they like to take control of the process. Toast seems to be a big hit with them all.
